LULU & WHISKEY (Myriam Olivia Gallo, *1989, lives and works in Bern / Yvonne Lanz, *1984)

sometimes a shelter, 2020
Fabric, acrylic, glue, sand, wood, wax, lichen, bones, iPhone, tablet, 2 videos 9:16, without sound, 10’13”

The artist duo LULU&WHISKEY, consisting of Myriam Olivia Gallo and Yvonne Lanz, realise an idiosyncratic refuge for which they use a variety of materials and textures: large pieces of gauze reminiscent of fossilised magma form a kind of hut that offers shelter to various objects such as digital devices, coloured wax formations, wooden sticks or luminous fibres. This installation, which appeals to both the senses and the mind, questions our systems of knowledge and attempts to break away from them. This holistic and critical approach is followed by a certain ontological process that seeks to make the real, polymorphous and irreducible in our thought patterns more understandable.

LULU&WHISKEY is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 10.2.2021